Describe flags

Append the description of the flag genaration to "alu.v" file.

There are 4 types of flag, sign S, zero Z, overflow V and carry C.
These flags are corded as 4-bit bus F.
The bit order of F is S, Z, V, C from most significant bit.
The changes of flags are individually differ in each operation.

Arithmetic operations
Operation S Z V C
Addition (ADD) '1' when result is minus. '1' when result is zero. '1' when result is incorrect in signed addition. '1' when carry occurs in unsigned addition.
Subtract (SUB) '1' when result is minus. '1' when result is zero. '1' when result is incorrect in signed subtraction. '1' when borrow occurs in unsigned subtraction.

Logical operations
Operations S Z V C
Logical OR (OR) same as most significant bit '1' when result is zero always '0' always '0'
Logical NAD (AND) same as most significant bit '1' when result is zero always '0' always '0'
Logical NOT (NOT) same as most significant bit '1' when result is zero always '0' always '0'

Shift and exchange operations
Operation S Z V C
Arithmetic shift right (ASR) '1' when result is minus. '1' when result is zero always '0' same as least significant bit
Arithmetic shift left (ASL) '1' when result is minus. '1' when result is zero '1' when bit 7 and bit 6 of operand are different value same as bit 6 od operand
Nibble swap (SWP) same as most significant bit '1' when result is zero always '0' always '0'

Each flag is generated as follows;

  reg V;				// for overflow

  always @( ... or ... or ... or ... )	// overflow calculation
    case ( CB )
    `IADD   : V <= ( ... ) ? 1 : 0;
    `ISUB   : V <= ( ... ) ? 1 : 0;
    `ASL    : V <= ( ... ) ? 1 : 0;
    default : V <= 0;

  assign F[3] = ...... ;	// Sign flag
  assign F[2] = ...... ;	// Zero flag
  assign F[1] = V ;		// Overflow flag
  assign F[0] = ...... ;	// Carry flag

Next, Functional simulation for verification.

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