The creating of a program for the test (The LIFE game)

It takes up LIFE game as the sample program.
In case of the character-type display, it should do a character code in case of writing to the memory of the VRAM address at the part to want to display.
When making coordinates at the part VRAM OBJ DO, to want to write the base address of the VRAM in X, Y, it should write in the address of the X of + of VRAM + (the Y * 80).

It assembles a program as follows and it is made to be able to be arranged as the initial program in the program memory beforehand.

kiteasm life.asm
lst2ram -s -f -2 life.lst
The initialization of the memory uses $readmemh as follows.
      ("life.ram", MEM) ;

LIFE program is shown below.
        ;; Life Game 48x16 for LCD Monitor on ATLYS Board

        .word MAIN                ; Start Vector
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0
        .word 0

MAIN :  ld16    #STACK            ; sp=0x800
        mv      sp, acc

        ;; Main Loop
        ;; Display DATA1 area

        call    disp              ; copy DATA1 to Display
        call    wait              ; wait

        ;; Clear DATA2 area
        ld16      #768
        st      X
        ld      DAT2
        mv      ixr, acc
LOOP3 : ld        #0
        st      ixr, 0
        inc     ixr, ixr
        ld      X
        dec     acc, acc
        st      X
        jpz     NEXT3
        jp      LOOP3

        ;; for( x=0 ; x<48 ; x++ )
NEXT3:	ld	#0
FOR1:	st	X
	sub	#48
	jpz	FOREND1

	;; for( y=0 ; y<16 ; y++ )
	ld	#0
FOR2:	st	Y
	sub	#16
	jpz	FOREND2

BODY:	ld	#0		; NoOf = 0
	st	NoOf
	ld	X		; if( what1(x-1,y-1) ) NoOf++;
	dec	acc, acc
	ld	Y
	dec	acc, acc
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP1
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP1:	pop
	ld	Y		; if( what1(x-1  ,y  ) ) NoOf++;
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP2
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP2:	pop
	ld	Y		; if( what1(x-1,y+1) ) NoOf++;
	inc	acc, acc
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP3
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP3:	pop
	ld	X		; if( what1(x  ,y-1) ) NoOf++;
	ld	Y
	dec	acc, acc
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP4
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP4:	pop
	ld	Y		; if( what1(x  ,y+1) ) NoOf++;
	inc	acc, acc
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP5
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP5:	pop
	ld	X		; if( what1(x+1,y-1) ) NoOf++;
	inc	acc, acc
	ld	Y
	dec	acc, acc
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP6
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP6:	pop
	ld	Y		; if( what1(x+1,y  ) ) NoOf++;
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP7
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP7:	pop
	ld	Y		; if( what1(x+1,y+1) ) NoOf++;
	inc	acc, acc
	call	what1
	jpz	SKIP8
	ld	NoOf
	inc	acc, acc
	st	NoOf

SKIP8:	pop
	ld	X		; if( what1(x,y) ) {
	ld	Y
	call	what1
	jpz	CENTER0	
CENTER1:ld	NoOf		;	if( NoOf == 2 || NoOf == 3 ) 
	sub	#2		;		set1(x,y);
	jpz	SET		;	else
	ld	NoOf		;		set0(x,y);
	sub	#3
	jpz	SET
	jp	DEL
CENTER0:ld	NoOf		; } else {
	sub	#3		;	if( NoOf == 3 )
	jpz	SET		;		set1(x,y);
DEL:	call	SET0
	jp	SKIP10
SET:	call	SET1		; }

SKIP10:	pop
	ld	Y		; y++;
	inc	acc, acc
	jp	FOR2		; };// forend y
FOREND2:ld	X		; x++;
	inc	acc, acc
	jp	FOR1		; };// forend x

FOREND1:ld16	#768		; Copy DATA2 -> DATA1 area
        st      X
        ld      DAT1
        st      PTR1
        ld      DAT2
        st      PTR2

LOOP4 : ld      PTR2
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld      ixr, 0
        ld      PTR1
        mv      ixr, acc
        st      ixr, 0
        ld      PTR1
        inc     acc, acc
        st      PTR1
        ld      PTR2
        inc     acc, acc
        st      PTR2
        ld      X
        dec     acc, acc
        st      X
        jpz     NEXT1             ; Goto Main Loop
        jp      LOOP4

        ;; What1 (x, y) return 0 and set Z flag
        ;;        if thare is no object in DATA1 [x, y]
what1 : mv      ixr, sp
        call    check             ; area check
        jpz     return            ; if out of area
        call    adgen             ; acc=Y*48+X
        st      PTR1
        ld16      #PTR1
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld      DAT1
        add     ixr, 0            ; acc=DATA1+Y*48+X
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld      ixr, 0            ; acc=* (DATA1+Y*48+X)
        or        #0
return: ret

        ;; check boundary
check:  ld      ixr, 2            ; load X
        sub       #-1               ; if out of left side then return Z
        jpz     return
        ld      ixr, 2
        sub       #48               ; if out of right side then return Z
        jpz     return
        ld      ixr, 1            ; load Y
        sub       #-1               ; if out of upper side then return Z
        jpz     return
        ld      ixr, 1
        sub       #16               ; if out of lower side then return Z
        ret                       ; return NZ if within area

        ;; acc=48*Y+X
adgen:  ld      ixr, 1            ; acc=the      Y
        add     ixr, 1            ; acc=   2*Y
        add     ixr, 1            ; acc=   3*Y
        asl                       ; acc=   6*Y
        asl                       ; acc=12*Y
        asl                       ; acc=24*Y
        asl                       ; acc=48*Y
        add     ixr, 2            ; acc=48*Y + The X

        ;; SET1 (x, y) sets "1" into DATA2 [x, y]
SET1:   mv      ixr, sp
        call    adgen             ; acc=Y*48+X
        st      PTR1
        ld16      #PTR1
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld      DAT2
        add     ixr, 0            ; acc=DATA2+Y*48+X
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld        #1
        st      ixr, 0            ; * (DAT2+Y*48+X)=1

        ;; SET0 (x, y) sets "0" into DATA2 [x, y]
SET0:   mv      ixr, sp
        call    adgen             ; acc=Y*80+X
        st      PTR1
        ld16      #PTR1
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld      DAT2
        add     ixr, 0            ; acc=DATA2+Y*80+X
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld        #0
        st      ixr, 0            ; * (DAT2+Y*80+X)=0

        ;; Display :    Copy DATA-> VRAM area

disp:   ld        #16
        st      Y
        ld16      #VRAM940
        st      PTR2              ;    ptr2=dest. pointer
        ld      DAT1
        st      PTR1              ;    ptr1=DATA1 pointer

disp1:  ld        #48
        st      X                 ; The    X=48

disp5:  ld      PTR1
        mv      ixr, acc
        ld      ixr, 0
        ld      PTR2
        mv      ixr, acc
        or        #0
        jpz     disp2
        ld        #0x4f             ; 'O'
        jp      disp3
disp2:  ld        #0x20             ; ' '
disp3:  st      ixr, 0
        ld      PTR1              ; ptr1++
        inc     acc, acc
        st      PTR1
        ld      PTR2              ; ptr2++
        inc     acc, acc
        st      PTR2
        ld      X                 ; x--
        dec     acc, acc
        st      X
        jpz     disp4
        jp      disp5
disp4:  ld      PTR2              ; ptr2 += 32
        add       #32
        st      PTR2
        ld      Y                 ; y--
        dec     acc, acc
        st      Y
        jpz     return
        jp      disp1

        ;; wait
wait:   ld        #10
LOOP22: push
        ld        #0
LOOP2:  dec     acc, acc
        jpz     LOOP21
        jp      LOOP2
LOOP21: pop
        dec     acc, acc
        jpz     return
        jp      LOOP22


DAT1:   .word   DATA1             ; DATA1 pointer
DAT2:   .word   DATA2             ; DATA2 pointer
X:      .word   0                 ; Variable x
Y:      .word   0                 ; Variable y
PTR1:   .word   0                 ; General pointer 1
PTR2:   .word   0                 ; General pointer 2
NoOf:   .word   0                 ; Number of object

        ;;                        Current space
DATA1:  .space    24                ; line 0
        .word      1
        .space    11
        .space    12

        .space    22                ; line 1
        .word      1
        .word      0
        .word      1
        .space    11
        .space    12

        .space    12                ; line 2
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space     6
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space    12
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space    12

        .space    11                ; line 3
        .word      1
        .space     3
        .word      1
        .space     4
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space    12
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space    12

        .word      1                ; line 4
        .word      1
        .space     8
        .word      1
        .space     5
        .word      1
        .space     3
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space    14
        .space    12

        .word      1                ; line 5
        .word      1
        .space     8
        .word      1
        .space     3
        .word      1
        .word      0
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space     4
        .word      1
        .word      0
        .word      1
        .space    11
        .space     12

        .space    10                ; line 6
        .word      1
        .space     5
        .word      1
        .space     7
        .word      1
        .space    11
        .space    12

        .space    11                ; line 7
        .word      1
        .space     3
        .word      1
        .space    20
        .space    12

        .space    12                ; line 8
        .word      1
        .word      1
        .space    22
        .space    12

        .space   336

DATA2:  .space   768               ; Next space

        .data     0x800
        .data     0x940
