The definition of State and Instruction code

Let's define the condition that the KITE-1 microprocessor can be taken. The KITE-1 microprocessor executes a direction while it takes following state transition.

Since State (E1), the condition which the direction can take is different. In what is described as follows, the condition can be treated by the character string.

// State
'define HALTING      8'b00000000    // HALT
'define V0           8'b00000001    // RESET
'define V1           8'b00000011    // Vector Start
'define V2           8'b00000111
'define F1           8'b00001111    // Instruction Fetch
'define F2           8'b00001110
'define F3           8'b00001100
'define DEC          8'b00001000    // Decode

'define LDD_1        8'b00010000    // Load Direct
'define LDD_2        8'b00010001
'define LDD_3        8'b00010011

'define STD_1        8'b00010111    // Store Direct
'define STD_2        8'b00011111
'define STD_3        8'b00011110
'define STD_4        8'b00011100

'define CALL_1       8'b00100000    // Call
'define CALL_2       8'b00100001
'define CALL_3       8'b00100011
'define CALL_4       8'b00100111
'define CALL_5       8'b00101111

'define JP_1         8'b00110000    // Jump and Branch
'define HALT_1       8'b00110001
'define NOP_1        8'b00110111

'define BIOP_IMM_1   8'b00111111    // Binary Operations (Immediate)

'define BIOP_IDX_1   8'b01000000    // Binary Operations (Indexed)
'define BIOP_IDX_2   8'b01000001
'define BIOP_IDX_3   8'b01000011

'define INC_DEC_MV   8'b01010000    // INC, DEC, MV (Register Indirect)
'define MONO_1       8'b01010111    // Unary Operations (Inherent)

'define LDI_1        8'b01100000    // Load Immediate

'define LDX_1        8'b01100001    // Load Indexed
'define LDX_2        8'b01100011
'define LDX_3        8'b01100010

'define STX_1        8'b01110000    // Store Indexed
'define STX_2        8'b01110001
'define STX_3        8'b01110011
'define STX_4        8'b01110111

'define IN_1         8'b10000000    // In
'define IN_2         8'b10000001
'define IN_3         8'b10000011

'define OUT_1        8'b10000111    // Out
'define OUT_2        8'b10001111
'define OUT_3        8'b10001110
'define OUT_4        8'b10001100

'define POP_1        8'b10010000    // Pop
'define POP_2        8'b10010001
'define POP_3        8'b10010011

'define PUSH_1       8'b10100000    // Push
'define PUSH_2       8'b10100001
'define PUSH_3       8'b10100011
'define PUSH_4       8'b10100111

'define RET_1        8'b10110000    // Ret
'define RET_2        8'b10110001
'define RET_3        8'b10110011
'define RET_4        8'b10110111

In this way, it defines all conditions which are necessary to execute a direction. A value with each status value is 8 bits in this example and is made Gray code. The status value can be as occasion demands made a binary-counter and be made One Hot type, too. It saves in the file name like "state.v" and it will should refer using include.
The execution phase bill refer to the following.
Execution phase table of 3 bus-arrangements

Next, it gives the definition of the command code. It is convenient because it is not 0 and 1 row and it is possible to handle the identifying of a direction as the character string when doing this description beforehand. A description example is shown below. It saves in the file name like "opcode.v" and it will should refer in include.

// Instruction Code
`define OP_4        IR [15:12]       // 4 bits OP code Field
'define IR_LDD      4'b0000
'define IR_STD      4'b0001
'define IR_CALL     4'b0010
'define IR_JP       4'b0011
'define IR_JPC      4'b0100
'define IR_JPZ      4'b0101
'define IR_JPS      4'b0110
'define IR_JPV      4'b0111

`define OP_6        IR [15:10]       // 6 bits OP code Field
'define IR_ADD      6'b100000
'define IR_SUB      6'b100001
'define IR_INC      6'b100010
'define IR_DEC      6'b100011
'define IR_OR       6'b100100
'define IR_EOR      6'b100101
'define IR_AND      6'b100110
'define IR_NOT      6'b100111
'define IR_LSL      6'b101000
'define IR_ASL      6'b101001
'define IR_LSR      6'b101010
'define IR_ASR      6'b101011
'define IR_ROL      6'b101100
'define IR_ROR      6'b101101
'define IR_SWP      6'b101111
'define IR_LD       6'b110000
'define IR_ST       6'b110001
'define IR_IN       6'b110010
'define IR_OUT      6'b110011
'define IR_POP      6'b110100
'define IR_PUSH     6'b110101
'define IR_RET      6'b111000
'define IR_MV       6'b111100
'define IR_HALT     6'b111110
'define IR_NOP      6'b111111

`define OP_M        IR [9:8]        // Addressing Mode Field
'define IMM         2'b01           //     Immediate
'define IDX         2'b10           //     Indexed

`define OP_A        IR [13:10]      // ALU Code Field

`define OP_D        IR [3:2]        // Destination Register Field
`define OP_S        IR [1:0]        // Source Register Field
'define RD_ACC      2'b00           // Register Code
'define RD_SP       2'b01
'define RD_IXR      2'b10
'define RD_PC       2'b11

Refer to compatible of each direction and the command code here.

Next, State's description attempts to have.

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