Design and Implementation for 8-bit ALU
(Skill up for combinational circuit design in Verilog HDL)

Let's start 8-bit ALU design and Implementation.
First, we determine the specification of the ALU.

Arithmetic operations
Operation Behavior Note
Addition (ADD) A + B Arithmetic addition. Address generation.
Subtract (SUB) A - B Arithmetic subtraction

Logial operations
Operation Behavior Note
Logical and (AND) A and B Bitwise logical AND
Logical or (OR) A or B Bitwise Logical OR
Logical not (NOT) not A Bitwise not, 1's complement

Shift and exchange operations
Operation Behavior Note
Arithmetic shift right (ASR) Arithmetic right shift, Divid operand A by 2
Arithmetic shift left (ASL) Arithmetic left shift, Multiply operand A by 2
Nibble swap (SWP) Exchange upper nibble and lower nibble of operand A for nibble operation

The followings are steps for design and implementation of the ALU.

Next, Define input and output variable .

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